ORIGINALLUXURY: Pioneering Transparency Through Technology in the Luxury Sector

Mission: Empower the luxury industry with up-to-date knowledge from academia and insights from the technology sector.

Vision: Position the luxury sector at the forefront of transparency and traceability best practices.

Impact: Drive measurable advancements in transparency and traceability for luxury brands by adopting innovative technologies.


ORIGINALLUXURY: Pioneering Transparency Through Technology in the Luxury Sector

Mission: Empower the luxury industry with up-to-date knowledge from academia and insights from the technology sector.

Vision: Position the luxury sector at the forefront of transparency and traceability best practices.

Impact: Drive measurable advancements in transparency and traceability for luxury brands by adopting innovative technologies.

  • E4S
  • IMD
  • SCLR
  • UNIL
  • Originall
  • EPFL

ORIGINALLUXURY, initially known as THE INDEX, was established as a collaborative venture between E4S , UNIL-HEC, IMD, The Swiss Center for Luxury Research and OriginAll, with the primary objective of assessing transparency and traceability initiatives within the luxury sectors. A year in, a particular focus on technology's role in amplifying transparency, traceability, product security and data integrity was made. Hosted by the Swiss Center for Luxury Research, our consortium of over 50 luxury brands and 14 technology partners serves as a hub for academic research and insights and is dedicated to analyzing, assessing and displaying the newest digital innovations that can empower brands and customers with relevant and intuitive information, fostering responsible decision-making.

More than just a resource and research center, being it through our events, workshops, online platforms or the ORIGINALLUXURY LAB, our goal is to facilitate collaboration, encourage knowledge exchange and best practices, as well as provide networking opportunities for industry professionals, technology experts, and global specialists in the luxury industry.

Welcome to the ORIGINALLUXURY Data Collection Portal

At the Forefront of Transparency and Innovation in the Luxury Sector

Luxury Brands

Empowering Insight Through Collaboration

As a pivotal component of the ORIGINALLUXURY consortium, this Data Collection Portal is your gateway to shaping the future of the luxury sector. Here, luxury brands, suppliers, technology experts and contributors from around the globe unite to offer their unique insights, contributing valuable information and data to our dedicated research team.

Technology Providers

Your Contribution, Our Collective Progress

Your expertise and input are crucial. The data and insights you provide here will not only deepen our understanding of current challenges and advancements within the luxury sector but also fuel innovative solutions tailored to these findings. Each contribution is a step towards greater transparency and traceability in our industry.


Seamless Participation, Enhanced Impact

Participating in this portal is straightforward:

  • Create Your Account: Securely register and gain access to a suite of research questions tailored to the luxury sector.
  • Contribute Your Insights: Share your knowledge and data, knowing that your input will be used to drive meaningful change.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly check back for updates on how your contributions are making a difference.

Together, We Redefine Luxury

Your participation is more than just data sharing—it's a commitment to excellence and ethical practice in the luxury sector. Each contribution you make is a vital part of our journey to redefine luxury through transparency and innovation.

Send Us Your Suggestions

Let us know what information you would like the Index to shed light on.

Let Us Know

Pioneering Transparency Through Technology in the Luxury Sector

A hub for academic research and insights, dedicated to analyzing, assessing and displaying the newest digital innovations that can empower brands and customers with relevant and intuitive information, fostering responsible decision-making.